Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank God It's NOT Friday...

I have begun to really hate Fridays. Friday used to be one of my favorite days of the week. Even though I am usually working 17 hrs on Fridays, it was always fun. Now I begin to get a sinking feeling in my stomach every 3rd week when Friday starts to roll around. Nothing like knowing once I get in that chair for chemo on Friday that I am going to feel like crap for 7 days days. I wish I could skip it all together. Half of me is saying "woohoo, only 3 more treatments to go!" and the other half is saying "There is no way I can put myself thru this 3 more times!" When January rolls around and all of these lovely chemo dates are off my calender I am going to throw myself the biggest freakin party people will wonder what the heck is wrong with me!

Sweet Home Chicago!

Let me start by saying Cycle 3 of Chemo was by far the worst one yet. With that being said, I was hell bent on feeling better by the time our plane took of on Thursday the 14th. Day 3-6 of the week after treatment were pretty bad, I felt like crawling under a rock. I asked my co-worker Heather to just kill me know and put me out of my misery...several times...thankfully, she didn't listen to me. But, when it was time to make the trip to Chicago for my cousin Mike's wedding. all the side effects seemed to fade away in the nick of time. It was a great trip...alittle short...but great. The wedding itself was just beautiful. Aiden was the best little travel buddy ever. It's times like these, when all the family comes together, it makes you realize just how blessed you are. I am so fortunate to have the family I have, and it gets taken for granted too often. Not many people can say they have such a close, loving relationship with their family. And even more so now, because of what I am going thru, I realize that you have to give thanks for the things we seem to just think are suppose to be. I really didn't want to come back to Florida. I love living near the ocean, and the weather, and my friends here...but I wasn't ready to come back. I know part of it was that we still didn't get to see all the family we needed to, and there is always so much to do when you are on vacation....just one week more would have been great. But also it was, for me, the realization that my journey with cancer is far from over. Being away from the doctors and needles and everything for four days made me feel as close to normal as I was going to get. It was nice to be focused on something else for a change and be away from reality. But, all good things must come to an end...and life must go on. Man....reality sucks sometimes.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The many faces of Jessica

Here are just some of the wigs I have been playing around with - found some crazy deals and ended up with a nice selection - trying something new almost everyday...gotta find fun in someting, right? MOre pics to come in future :)

Mid/Long Bown with highlights...cute with headbands

Black Mid/Long...very "sexy"

Still on the fence about this one - first time ever close to a blonde!

One of my the haircut I had before hair loss...brown short

Yep, definite fav

Get the most compliments on this one...short brown with copper highlights

I also have a brown curly one, a long light brown, a long dark brown/maroon highlights with bangs, a brown mid length with bangs, a brown one that looks like a mullet so I have to wear hats over it (dont always go for the cheap ones, lol) ...and I am searching for the perfect platinum blonde, long with bangs....think Lady Gaga...why the heck not, right?

Ohh we're half way there...OHHH Livin on A Prayer!

 Today was a very important day for me. It marked the half way point of my chemotherapy treatments...3 down, 3 to go. I cannot wait til this is all behind me, and my calender is full of social events instead of blood draws and chemo dates. Although, I do have to say I had an awesome time catching up with my friend Megan at chemo today. Even the nurse pointed out what a good mood I always seem to be in and how wonderful it is I have different family/friends that come with me to chat. Honestly, tell me a better way to spend the mandatory 3 hours in the chair? We caught up on everything that has been going on at the Flagler Tavern since I haven't been able to cocktail waitress since July :( and everything that has changed since treatment started...and then we went out to lunch at La was great. It's very important to me to keep some sense of "normal" in my makes the situation all that easier to deal with on a day to day basis. Other than that I have been extremely busy this week. Work has thrown yet another curve ball at the us, and that was a stress in itself. We are 5 days away from our flight to Chicago for my cousin's wedding....SOO EXCITED....and I just got my dress in that I am going to wear...not to shabby looking, (see pic). I am really looking forward to this trip, and I am praying everyday that the side effects of chemo subside alittle sooner this time around so I can enjoy the 4-5 days of my trip. It has been 5 years since I have been in the good 'ol Windy City, and this marks Aiden's first plane fingers crossed everything goes well. Will be blogging as much as I can to keep everyone posted. Off to bed now...this cancer chick has to get her beauty sleep...lots of love.